unregister dll files

how to unregister dll files in Windows xp, vista and windows 7, 8.1, 10, 32bit and 64bit?

for unregister any dll file Continue any of the following methods

The first way: unregister dll by delete it.

Go to Windows System Folders

In Windows systems 32 BIT

In Windows systems 64 BIT

write the name of the DLL in the search box

unregister dll by delete it.

and press enter for SEARCH
After you find the dll file
Right-click on the dll file

unregister dll by delete it

Choose Delete
He agreed to the deletion process by clicking Yes

unregister dll by delete it

The second way: unregister the dll files manually by command regsvr32.

Click on Windows Start menu
select Run
write cmd
press ok.
Put the following command:
regsvr32 -u xxxxxxx.dll

press Enter on your keyboard.

unregister the dll files manually by command regsvr32.

The third way: unregister dll file by used tool dll manager.

In this way, we will use the OCX DLL Manager Setup tool
Download the tool via the following link 

Install the tool
Note: If the tool does not work
You need to move the comdlg32.ocx file to the path
C:\Windows\System32 for windows 32bit or C:\Windows\Syswow64 for windows 64bit
Open the tool
Follow the explanation in the two images

unregister the dll files manually by command regsvr32.

In the third step you choose the dll file

unregister the dll files manually by command regsvr32.